Bag care - How to protect your designer bag in winter!

Winter and the cold season are upon us again. But how do you protect your designer bag from the cold temperatures and moisture ? Wetness, cold and snow attack the leather of your bag. In the winter months, your designer bag needs a lot of affection and care from you. 

Do you regularly care for the leather of your bag? Great. Then the leather of your designer bag is less susceptible to damage than the leather of bags that are not regularly cared for or not cared for at all. Well cared for leather is less susceptible . Dry leather absorbs moisture and damages the leather . With the right care, you can wear your designer bag in winter without any problems. You can find out how to care for your bag properly in our blog post here . 

In the winter months, you should regularly waterproof your bag. This will protect the leather of your designer bag from moisture and wetness . We recommend that you invest in a high-quality waterproofing spray. If your bag does get wet, you can stuff it with newspaper and leave it to dry at room temperature . Do not place your designer bag near a heater . The dry air from the heater will damage the leather of your bag and cause it to become porous and dry out . 

Bags made of particularly sensitive materials or light colors can be sent into hibernation . To do this, put your designer bag in its dust bag and store it in a dark , dry and cool place. If you are giving several bags a break, make sure that they are not placed too close together. The leather of your bags needs to breathe . To keep your designer bag in shape, you can stuff it with tissue paper or newspaper. 

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