How to protect your designer bag when traveling!

Summer and travel season are just around the corner. And what would a dream vacation be without our dream bag ? Nothing half-hearted and nothing whole. That's why our favorite bag has to come along. But all the traveling and the different temperatures and weather conditions can damage our favorite bag. So that your designer bag survives your vacation without damage, we have put together a few tips for you on how to protect your designer bag.

Choosing your bag

Before you pack your designer bags in your suitcase without thinking, we recommend that you think about whether you really need all of them on vacation. Plan your outfits and then choose your designer bag. Think about which bag suits your outfit , destination and the local weather . We advise against taking suede bags with you, especially if you are traveling to a tropical climate or where there is a lot of rainfall. Suede is particularly sensitive and reacts quickly to moisture. To protect your designer bag as best as possible, we recommend that you waterproof it before you go on vacation.

Transporting your bag

You should always carry your designer bag in your hand luggage when you travel . Suitcases are often lost. To ensure that your favorite bag stays in shape, you can stuff it with your socks. This trick not only saves space in your suitcase, but also protects your designer bag from deformation . To protect your bag from scratches, we recommend that you always transport it in a dust bag . If you no longer have the dust bag, you can transport it in another fabric bag or our Glück und Glanz dust bag . You should never transport it in a plastic bag, as moisture will quickly build up there, which can damage your designer bag. The leather of your bag can breathe in the fabric dust bag. To save even more space in your suitcase, you can pack small bags in large bags.

Oily substances, cosmetic products or perfumes can damage the leather of your designer bag. Therefore, you should store your liquids safely in your suitcase so that they do not leak while traveling and damage the leather of your bag.

Luck and Shine Dust Bag

How to protect your bag on site

Once you arrive on holiday, you should protect your designer bag from direct sunlight . Too much exposure to the sun can cause the leather of your bag to fade or become damaged . You should also avoid contact with sunscreen , as this can leave unsightly stains on the leather of your designer bag. Tourist spots are particularly crowded. To ensure that your designer bag is not damaged, we recommend that you carry it close to you. This will prevent anyone from touching your bag and scratching it. Rough surfaces can also damage the leather of your bag. House walls, walls, etc. can cause more damage to your designer bag than you realize.

Once you have returned from your vacation safe and sound, you can safely store your designer bag back in your wardrobe. With these tips, you can protect your designer bag and it will certainly accompany you on your travels for a long time to come. If you are looking for the perfect travel bag, you can read onHERE . In our blog post about the Keepall, you will find out everything you need to know about the travel bag.

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