Do you want to sell your designer bag? We can help you!

Do you want to sell your designer bag and are looking for a straightforward solution ? Then you have come to the right place. We will find a loving new home for your designer bag.

We take your designer bag on a commission basis and find a new owner for it. You get 60% of the sales price and 40% goes to us. You can collect your share of 60% of the sales price from our boutique or we will transfer it to you within 14 days . For online sales we have to take into account the statutory return period of 14 days. Before you can leave your designer bag with us, a one-off fee of €30 is due for refreshing your bag, taking professional photos and putting it online. We take care of everything. You no longer have to worry about selling your bag. We give you a complete package . You can sell your designer bag without much effort.

If you are from Cologne or the surrounding area, you can visit us in our beautiful boutique in Cologne city center. Here we can look at your designer bag together and assess it. If we are interested in your favorite, we will agree on a selling price together . We will then draw up a contract in which everything we have discussed is recorded in writing.

But if you don't come from beautiful Cologne, the easiest way is to send us meaningful pictures of your designer bag by email or WhatsApp . This way we get a first impression of your designer bag and can assess in advance whether it fits into our range. If we like your bag, you can send it to us by insured mail . As soon as your favorite has arrived with us, we will assess it immediately and get in touch with you. We will then agree on a sales price together and then send you the contract .

Our hearts beat faster when we see classics from Louis Vuitton , MCM and Chanel . But we also have a place for bags from Prada , Gucci and the like. You can also sell designer bags that are in like-new condition or bad buys to us, make room for new designer bags and add variety to your wardrobe. So far we have found a new home for all designer bags. We are the perfect partner at your side if you want to sell your designer bag !

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