Do you want to sell your designer bag? Then you've come to the right place!

Did your loved ones give you a designer bag for your birthday or Christmas ? But you don't like it? Or you bought a bag and it turns out it was a bad buy ? Then you're in luck. With us you can sell not only your used designer bag, but also new ones. Just because you don't like the bag doesn't mean that it isn't perfect for someone else.

If you want to sell your designer bag, you can do this easily with us. We'll take care of everything! The easiest way is to write us an email . Our email address is . It's best to send pictures of your designer bag and the accessories that go with it. If you want to sell your designer bag, it should of course be in good condition .

Next, your bag will be assessed and checked by our employees. If your designer bag is suitable for us, we will agree on a selling price together. You then send us your bag by post or bring it to our boutique. As soon as your bag arrives with us, we will assess it again. You will receive a response from us within one to two working days. In order for us to sell your designer bag, a processing fee of 30 euros is due.

Chanel shoulder bag

After the successful sale, a commission of 40 percent is due. You will receive 60 percent of the sales price within 14 days of the sale. If the sales price is over 2400 euros, you will receive an individual offer from us!

Do you have any questions about selling designer bags? Then you can contact us at any time! Of course, we look forward to every visit to the boutique. You are welcome to bring your bag with you and we will take a look at it straight away!

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