What to look for when buying a vintage bag!

Have you been thinking about buying a vintage designer bag for a while? Our answer to this question is definitely yes! But when buying your vintage or used bag, you should pay attention to a few small things.

Your dream bag is made of leather ? Then when buying a used bag you should pay attention to whether the leather is brittle or dry . The zippers on your used bag in particular may have been worn over the years. Pay particular attention to these when buying your designer bag. If the zippers, shoulder straps and other leather applications are dry, you can easily freshen them up with our Glück und Glanz leather balm and help them regain their former shine.

Louis Vuitton Zipper good
Louis Vuitton Zipper bad

The fittings and hardware of your designer bag also tell you about its condition. Do the fittings still look good? Or are they chipped or even rusty ? If the latter is the case, please leave the designer bag alone and look for an alternative. You won't be happy with rust on your bag.

Before you buy a designer bag , you should smell it. Unfortunately, it can happen that the bag takes on a musty smell over time. Unfortunately, this cannot be avoided. But with a few tricks, you can mask the smells. You can suppress light smells with coffee or dryer sheets . To do this, put a small cloth bag or a tea filter filled with coffee in the bag. The coffee and dryer sheets will absorb the smells over time. Musty smells are not a good thing, especially for travel bags. Your clothes will absorb these smells. Do the smell test before you buy your designer bag!

Louis Vuitton Speedy from above

When it comes to your vintage or used bag, it's not the age of the bag that matters, but how well it's been cared for . If the leather of the designer bag hasn't been cared for for many years, this will have left its mark . It can happen that a designer bag that is only ten years old can be in a worse condition than a bag that is over 20 years old.

Checklist for buying a used bag:

  • What condition is the leather in? Is it brittle or dry ?
  • How does the designer bag smell ? Does it smell musty?
  • What condition are the fittings in?

If you want to buy your used bag online , you should also pay attention to the following. Do you know exactly which model you want? Is your dream bag much cheaper from one seller than from another? There is often a reason for this. Pay attention to the dimensions and condition of the bag. Designer bags in smaller sizes are often cheaper than their larger siblings. The condition of the bag is also a decisive factor in the price . If the bag is in better condition, it is automatically expensive. If the price is too cheap, you should take a close look at the designer bag in the pictures .

If you buy your designer bag online, you can easily compare prices . Over time, you will get a feel for whether the price of the bag is too high or whether you have got a great bargain.

But the most important thing is that you buy your designer bag from a trustworthy platform . We advise you not to buy your designer bag from a private individual or on eBay. Unfortunately, fake designer bags are often offered online. You should be particularly careful if the price is too low. Used designer bags have a market price . If the price of the bag is too low, it is probably not original or in very poor condition.

Additional checklist for online purchase:

  • Pay attention to measurements
  • Did the seller provide many photos of the bag?
  • Compare prices
  • Is the seller reputable ? Is it a platform or a private individual ?

You shouldn't rush the purchase of a vintage or used bag, either offline or online. Take enough time to buy your used dream bag.

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