5 gift ideas for your bag

Christmas is just around the corner and you are looking for the perfect gift for your loved ones? Then you should definitely read on because we have five great gift ideas for you. And since bags are our specialty, all of the gift ideas are gadgets for designer bags ! 

1. Gift idea

Our first gift idea is the headphone organizer . The organizer saves you from having to worry about tangled headphones and they are ready for use straight away. The organizer also keeps the headphones nicely packaged. You can get to the organizer directly here .

2. Gift idea

Secondly , we would like to introduce you to the insert for the Speedy . Thanks to the insert , the bottom of the Louis Vuitton Speedy no longer bulges downwards . This means that your loved one's bag stays in shape. The insert is available in different sizes and colors. This means you can find the right bottom for every Speedy size and color. Here you can go directly to the shelf.

3. Gift idea

We recommend the bag organizer so that your loved one always has everything to hand and doesn't have to spend a long time searching for her belongings in her designer bag. The organizer has many different individual compartments. Belongings can be stored individually there. The organizer is particularly practical if you change bags frequently. Then the organizer and its contents can simply be packed into another bag. The organizer is available in different sizes and can therefore be used for almost any designer bag . Here you can go directly to the organizer.

4. Gift idea

Maybe you've noticed that your loved one does n't put her bag on the floor, but always keeps it next to her on the chair or on her lap? This is probably because she doesn't want the bottom of the bag to get dirty . If this is the case, we have the perfect gift for you. How about a bag holder for the table? With these, the bag can simply be hung on the table and no longer has to be put on the dirty floor . You can go directly to the bag holder here .

5. Gift idea

Speaking of dirt - lastly, we would like to introduce you to the dirt ball for the bag. The dirt ball collects the dirt in the bag. It keeps the bag clean without having to empty it. Here you come directly to the dream of a clean bag.

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