5 things that belong in every handbag

Your wallet , cell phone or keys are your constant companions in your handbag . You probably don't leave the house without them. But what else should actually be in your handbag ? We have put together the five most important things that should always have a place in your designer bag. 

1. The beauty bag
Your powder , concealer and a brush should always have a permanent place in your small beauty bag . You can also store the lipstick you put on that morning there. A nail file and a small pocket mirror also have space here. Are you still looking for a nice cosmetic bag? Then you should definitely take a look at the models from Louis Vuitton. You're sure to find what you're looking for here .  

2. Hairbrush and hair tie
The weather isn't playing along and suddenly it starts to rain or storm ? To ensure that your hair is in place when you get to work or meet up with friends, we recommend that you always pack a hairbrush and hair ties in your designer bag. This way you can quickly fix your hair and always look great when you're out and about.  

3. The emergency medication bag
There should be room for painkillers and plasters/blister plasters in your emergency medication bag . You can also safely store your tampons and sanitary pads here. This way they won't fly around in your bag and you'll have them quickly to hand. If you take medication regularly, you can also store this in your medication bag.  

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4. The headphones
Your loved one can't pick you up from work or your car is broken and you have to take public transport to work or home? Then you can switch off and enjoy the journey thanks to your headphones . Your headphones will find a safe place in the inside compartment of your handbag and you'll have them quickly to hand.

5. The charging cable
Have you forgotten to charge your phone and even the energy saving mode has reached its limits? Then the charging cable in your handbag will help you. There are often sockets on trains or buses where you can charge your phone. You will also definitely find a socket in a restaurant or at work to charge your phone.  

You can adapt the contents of your designer bag to suit your needs . As a plus, we can recommend an umbrella or a jute bag . This way you don't have to buy unnecessary plastic bags when shopping. With an umbrella, you are prepared for almost any weather. You don't know which designer bag is right for you? Then you should read on here. We have selected five designer bags for you that belong in every woman's wardrobe . You are sure to find the right designer bag for you here . 

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